Another Pinoy Shoutout ...

Last Sunday, a Budjette Tan article was published at the Sunday Inquirer magazine about hidden “easter eggs” on comics (or “balut eggs” as he fondly refers to it) which were mostly done by Filipino comic book artists and writers. One example of that was when...

Transformers and Linkin...

In the last Transformers film, Linkin Park had their song “What I’ve Done” as the soundtrack. Now with the upcoming June release of the new movie, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the band is back with a new track called “New Divide”. Wow! Looks...

Cool Wall-E Modified Ca...

How would you like to have a cool computer casing like this? A certain Russian guy couldn’t find any at the stores so he decided to do something about it - he made one by himself!

Panels and Pages #2 - A...

For my second “Panels and Pages” interview, I’ve chosen to feature Claw creator, Myke Guisinga. As some might know, Myke is not just an awesome artist but also a good friend of mine. He’s one of the first guys I’ve met (at least online, at the time) even long before we all...

Its Supposed To Be Summ...

Summers nowadays can be very weird. I remember it was also around this time last year when Typhoon Cosme hit our city pretty hard. It wasn’t a pleasant experience for most of us (some lost their homes, others had their properties severely damaged) but it was definitely a learning...

Claws and Armors...

Everyone’s been raving about X-Men Origins: Wolverine as of late. As I try to browse blogs and sites, it’s always a big possibility that I would see a review or something about the movie. I’m really trying my best to stay away from such sites as much as I can. I...

Something Random...

Sooner or later, there comes a time in a blogger’s life that he or she needs to post some random thoughts. Am I already running out of things to right? I hope not! Hahah! Here goes my first one then. Wish me luck. What used to be routine things have become rare. Riding a jeepney,...

Open Happiness by Sandw...

Here’s a fun summer video I’m sure most of us have already seen.

Marvel Turns 70...

click the pic

There’s A Fruitca...

Fruitcake is a book I have always wanted to read. It was written by the Eraserheads and was released way back 1997. I was still in high school at the time. When I first heard about it, I tried several bookstores around the city but to no avail. I never found any. Truth be told,...

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