Something Random...

Sooner or later, there comes a time in a blogger’s life that he or she needs to post some random thoughts. Am I already running out of things to right? I hope not! Hahah! Here goes my first one then. Wish me luck. What used to be routine things have become rare. Riding a jeepney,...

Marvel Turns 70...

click the pic

Wallpaper Today...

Here goes what I have for a desktop wallpaper for this Monday. Anyways, I like the artwork so much. It rocks. I got this at DA and this is done by a certain Spiderguile (art) and an awesome guy named Sean Galloway (colors). How long will I have it on my desktop? I really have no...

5 Lessons We Hope Obama...

Found this one on Yahoo News and I just thought of posting it here and sharing it to those who might have missed it. Enjoy! Not only has America elected its first African-American President, it’s looking more and more like we’ve elected our first Geek-in-Chief. He’s...

Spider-Man versus Venom...

I’ve seen lots of Spidey versus Venom drawings but this is something that I really like a lot because of the way the artist showed the impact. Actually, this was illustrated by an internationally-acclaimed comic book artist named Edgar Tadeo. Yes, the guy’s a Filipino just in...

You’re Spider-Man...

I was just messing around the net one day and stumbled upon this site. I took the quiz and this is what i got: “You’re Spider-Man. Like Peter Parker, you may have a geeky side, but once you’re in the right outfit, you feel like you can do anything. You try to weave...