Amazing Spider-Man #666|Comics Review

Amazing Spider-Man #666|Comics Review

Aug 09

I love Dan Slott. Its been a wild ride ever since he took the driver’s seat for Amazing Spider-Man and I love it. I dig the way he writes Peter Parker plus his plot ideas are always the most interesting. This guy has a knack for pushing boundaries and taking Webhead to directions we’ve never seen the character before – in a good way, that is (not in a One More Day way or something). In my head,...

Captain America: The First Avenger|Movie Review

Captain America: The First Avenger|Movie Review

Aug 05

Honestly, I wasn’t thrilled when it was first announced that Chris Evans will be taking the role of Captain America. I thought he was too young for the role plus I’m used to seeing him play less serious characters (case in point – Johnny Storm). To add to that, I wasn’t much of a fan of the costume either when the concept art first leaked on the web. Came San Diego Comic Con 2010, Robert Downey...