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Metro Comic Con 2009

If there is anything that should excite comic fanboys living in this side of the globe these days, it should definitely be the “Next Big Thing” called Metro Comic Con.

Formerly called Manila Comic Con,Ernest Hernandez, one of the event organizers, explained on a recent Comicology interview ( that getting a last minute name-change was just in place because people have been asking “why Manila when you guys are doing an event in Mandaluyong?”…  In the same interview, he tells us “Consider it the same person who just changed clothes. It’s still us.”

So here’s hoping that that could clear things up here and that no one would get confused in any way. Its still the same event at the same venue held during the same dates. Got that? Hope you did.

As I look at the schedule of activities, I can’t help but have the notion that this big event just keeps on getting bigger. What does that mean to me?.. Well it only makes me regret it more and more that I wont be able to attend! Haha!.. Anyway, I won’t let that stop me from supporting MCC and posting this blog post so here goes! :D


MCC Program of Activities

August 8, 2009 - Saturday

10AM – Ribbon Cutting
Onstage Activities

11-AM – Band Performance – Matilda

12PM – Suspended Animation Media
Get to know the people behind the SAM (Suspended Animation Media), Yuri Timg, Abet Ongkingco and Lali Saulo-Ongkingco as they explain how your concepts can come to life.

1PM – Creativoices Panel
What would you do, if you find out that you’re actually “talking” to Naruto? Meet the voices behind your favorite anime shows and learn more about the art of voice acting, hosted by the Voice Master, Pocholo Gonzales!

2PM – Pinoy Toy Kolektors: Show me your desk Awarding
See PTK member’s creativity in designing their own desk full of toys, action figures, statues and replicas. The best will be awarded with an Exclusive Mono Vinyl Toy courtesy of Mindstyle, PTK Shirt and Mug

2:30PM – Craze Cosprsay product launch

A new product promoted by that will dye your hair with different colors. NOTE: It’s washable!

3PM – Band Performance – Gupit Binata X

4PM – Indie Film Panel – Alessandro Productions
Learn the secrets of Indie Film making and see how Filipino Indie Films made it in the international scene hosted by Film maker, Paolo Herras, of Alessandro Productions.

5PM – Indie Comic Panel
Bakemono High. Bayan Knights. Maskarado. Sanduguan. Trese. Unstoppable. YOUR OWN INDIE TITLE COULD BE NEXT! Visit the Indie Comic Panel and know more about indie-making from Gilbert Monsanto, Budjette Tan, and friends!

6PM - Pinoy Mainstream Artists Panel
Meet some of the country’s internationally-acclaimed comic book artists! Listen and learn how they made it in the industry. Get the chance to ask them questions about anything under the sun. Featuring Carlo Pagulayan, Harvey Tolibao, Jay David Ramos, Ernest Jocson, Stephen Segovia and Mico Suayan.

7PM – Band Performance – Giniling Festival

*other activities
Costrip Day – booth
Are you shy to stand up on stage but has the guts to wear your favorite anime, mecha and pinoy superhero? Then be what ever you wanna be and join the “Unleash the Hero within Costrip day.”

Toy Customization Contest – booth
Attention toy customizers everywhere! Get a chance to win exciting prizes at the MCC Toy Customization Contest! Just bring your customized toy and register at the booth. One toy per registrant only. Sponsored by Magnavision and Otakuzine.

August 9, 2009 – Sunday

10am – Opening
Onstage Activities

11am – Band Performance – Los Chupacabras

12pm – International Game Developers Association – Manila Chapter
IGDA will be sharing their knowledge and will have a panel discussion regarding game development and the gaming industry.

1pm – Creativoices Voice acting contest
You think you could scare EUGENE as the voice of the dreaded TAGURO? Or make MIYAKA fall in love with you as TAMAHOME? Join the voice acting contest and find out! Awesome prizes await THE NEXT VOICE ACTING STAR!

2pm - E-games
What’s new with the world of online gaming? Join E-Games as they present their latest online game in town. There will be demos, promotions and other exciting stuff!

3pm – Band Performance – Gorgoro

4pm – Animax Cosplay Competition
Talented cosplayers will take part and showcase their live performances as ANIMAX gives you “Animax Cosplay Star” and be the next Cosplay Idol.

7pm – Band Performance - Nexxus

*Other Activities

Comics Creation 101 – Conference Room SM Megatrade Hall.

Learn how to draw, ink, color and build up your portfolio and get a chance to have your art critiqued by some of the country’s best comic book artists!

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4 Responses to “Metro Comic Con 2009”

  1. jzhunagev says:

    Sayang naman Sir di kayo makakapunta.. Can you give me a heads up sa mga dapat bilhing komiks dun? Of course syempre kasama na jan yung mga komiks ng Sacred Mountain… me iba pa po ba kayong masasuggest?

    Salamat po…
    Bale bawe na lang kayo sa October Komik kon…

  2. Mark Rosario says:

    @ jzhunagev, tamang-tama yung tanong mo para sa next blog post ko, bro. Nagco-compile ako ngayon ng list ng mga new releases. Post ko bukas, pramis. Stay tuned! (naks parang TV lang ah.. haha!)

    Oo, bro. Babawi ako sa Komikon. Malamang dun nako magparamdam talaga :D

  3. monsanto says:

    May wifi na sa megamall. Try natin magonline para real time updates hehe.

  4. Mark Rosario says:

    @ monsanto, nice! Sige po try ko po, mag-online. Hopefully, okay na yung SmartBro ko nun. Tinotopak recently eh. Bukas pa maaayos. Haha! Thanks, Sarge! :)

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