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Oh, look its the 5th Annual Filipino Komiks Convention already!

Happening tomorrow, 18 October 2009, at the SM Megatrade Hall, Komikon 2009 (for short) will surely be the destination for most comic geeks  in Metro Manila and elsewhere.

There’s just too many reasons why one should go to the Kon. First, there’s tons of new comic book releases like Bayan Knights #3, Kalayaan #8, Trese: Mass Murders, Underpass to name just a few. Aside from that, whats cool about these conventions is that its also a great chance for fans to meet and greet both the indie and famous comics creators. Its not everyday you see as many stars in one day, you know.

I’ve attended this event once and even blogged about my first Komikon experience but unfortunately, I wont make it there this time around. Too bad I’m too busy with work (you noticed this I haven’t posted any entries recently, didn’t you?) and ironically, don’t have enough funds as of the moment.

And besides, its on a Sunday and I am so unavailable. Its my time for church and my family, that’s why! Hahah…  Better luck next time then, Markus!

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2 Responses to “KOMIKON 2009”

  1. Ida says:

    You forgot to mention that all the comic books are ON SALE. Or, if not all of them, then most of them. Hehe.

    I won’t be able to make it either. Waaaah T_T Of all the years that I can’t go, ngayon pang maraming bagong release. T_T It’s so sad.

  2. Mark Rosario says:

    @ Ida, yup. I didn’t even write about the Komikon Awards. I’m a bit lost and I’m writing this with a heavy heart you know. I’m sad I can’t go. *sobs* Hahaha!

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