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Talim #1

Finally making its debut for the upcoming Komikon next month is this much-awaited comic book project from my good friend Omi Remalante Jr.

Talim #1 features Omi’s awesome artwork and plus he gets by with, well, a little help from his Bayan Knights friends RH Quilantang (script) and Bong Dacanay (background assists). Jomar Bulda and Chris Agot also provided the cover art for this gritty, little indie so you better catch Talim this November Komikon – if you can!

Here’s the plot and a 5-page preview:

After brutally surviving an attack that left him with no recollection of past events and haunted by a memory of a dead girl, Joaquin Ramos became the vigilante known as Talim! Vowing to fight crime, he hunts his prey with an assortment of knives and an unstoppable rage as he begins his search for the truth. Mature Readers.

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