Justice League #1|Comics Review

Justice League #1|Comics Review

Sep 05

Rightfully kicking off the DC Comics New Universe is Justice League #1. With writing and art duties by top DC executives, Geoff Johns and Jim Lee, this issue makes an ideal jumping point for readers who’ve always been put off by confusing continuity.

Set five years ago, the story opens with Gotham Police giving Batman and his villain some chase and some bullets. Green Lantern then comes into the picture and lends a hand to an unappreciative Dark Knight. Later on, the duo heads to Metropolis to look for a certain Superman – who throws punches first and asks questions later!

Overall, I’d say I’m pleased with the pacing and the way the characters are introduced. I love the fact that only four out of the seven heroes appeared on this issue (we also see pre-Cyborg Vic Stone here). I’m eager to find out how the team will be formed and how they will gain the trust of the masses who seem cynical about superheroes at the moment.

Although I wouldn’t say I’d categorize Justice League #1 as a masterpiece, I also wouldn’t deny I had fun reading this one. It’s action-packed and leaves you with a cliffhanger to make sure that you come back for the next issue.

Artwise, the costumes look a little busy but Jim Lee’s dynamic linearts are just too damn awesome. I’m sure I’ll get used to these new suits along the way. As one friend accurately put it, Jim Lee is officially “at the top of his game” again. Of course, let’s also not forget to praise Alex Sinclair for his typically-impressive coloring skills!

Go pick up Justice League #1 at your favorite comic book shops. You really would’nt wanna miss a piece of hisotry.

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  1. I liked the issue as well and I am a big fan of Jim Lee’s art. Hopefully, we can see the entire team already complete by next issue.

  2. @ Capt. Yugi, I’ve seen your review for issue 2. The title’s shaping up to be an interesting team book. I think I’ll follow this too!

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