Shortlisted Interview #9: Butch Mapa

Shortlisted Interview #9: Butch Mapa

Apr 24

I had trouble finding Renato Mapa on Facebook but thankfully, Karla Tricia Magno of NBS lent a hand in contacting some artists. We started exchanging e-mails and, after he sent me some links to his works, I’d say I quickly understood why Cebulski was impressed. The dude’s a fantastic penciller!

Get to know “Butch” and see some of his samples below!

Mark Rosario: Tell us something about yourself.

Butch Mapa: I’ve got the best family in the world. They’ve been nothing but supportive while I’ve been carrying on with my doodles. I’ve bounced around for about seven years doing stuff nobody would ever know. Seriously. You’d have to have been an exceptional nerd to have seen my comic work.

MR: What did you apply for and what made you decide to try out?  Plus tell us a little about the samples you sent.

BM: I was sold from the second I found out… that there was no entry fee. Haha. I was actually working on some new samples anyway, so I just sent those in. I did some X-Force pages and a few pin-ups. Applied as a penciller.

MR: What were you doing when you discovered you made it to the shortlist? How did you feel at the moment?

BM: Waking up and cranky. Ever hear a one hundred eighty degree mood swing in mid-sentence? “Hunnhhhman what the fu- oh, NBS? Well, a good morning to YOU!”

MR: How did the Cebulski interview go? What did he say about your work?

BM: I kept  my samples simple, so CB wouldn’t have much to criticize. Hehe. But then our interview was actually going too fast, and I kept saying stuff so CB wouldn’t move on to the next interviewee. “What’s that? We’re done? So, uhhh… how about those X-Men huh? Think they’re gonna beat the Avengers? Wait, don’t kick me out, CB, please! I love you! CB PLEASE-!!!”

MR: I heard there’s still another test from Cebulski, right? What does that mean and what are you currently doing to warm up for that?

BM: Oh, for sure. I take a very pragmatic view on things, so even the shortlist doesn’t mean anyone can relax and take things easy. Just gotta keep giving my all playing Mass Effect until an opportunity opens up.

MR: Let’s talk influences. Who are some of your heroes in the industry?

BM: I’m a child of the 90′s, so I grew up influenced by the Image guys. Yes, even Rob. Since then I’ve ripped off, er, learned from just about everyone from Andy Kubert to John Cassaday to Jim Cheung. These days I mainly steal fro-ahem, allow myself to be influenced by some of our country’s best comic artists, who are too many and whose names are too long to list individually here. Y’all know who you are.

MR: Given the chance to pick, which Marvel characters would you hope to do in the near future?

BM: Spider Woman, I’d do her. Either I or II, both are hawt. Gamora if I’m feeling lucky. Anyone drawn by Frank Cho.

MR: Thank you for your time! Tell us where fans can find you for updates and more.

BM: You’re welcome! Quick shout out to Miguel and National Book Store for the opportunity to meet up with CB. If I ever get to Marvel, I’m buying all your stock. In the meantime, people can find me on Twitter @butchmapa or through the website at

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1 comment

  1. Butch stalker

    No more “blown me away ” huh!? nice one Mr. Renato!
    Thats why we love you… We will keep following you and look for you always…

    -Big fan and staker

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